They’re testing me… I know it!

So coming into work today, the first thing I see is pizza. D: A co-worker decided he would bring pizza for everybody. Another one decided to bring croissants. So who told these guys about my plan and why are they trying to ruin it?? Ahh!

I’m not even that much of a pizza/croissant love, but when you had some veggies for dinner and come into work hungry and smell pizza? ……….OMG. So I’m sitting here smelling pizza and dying a little bit inside. But I brought cereal for breakfast and I’m sure they’ll all be jealous later when I pull it out. Ha.

I was sorely tempted to just have a small piece, but honestly I’ve been doing so good, so why ruin it now? I just want to lose the weight I said I would lose in the time frame Blu and I set for ourselves. 😀 I think it’s completely doable and not having that piece of pizza isn’t the end of the world. Pizza will still exist when all my weight is gone so I can have a piece of it then 😉

I’m not 100% limiting myself on anything that tastes good, the thing is that I’m going to a friend’s house for lunch on sunday and I’m pretty sure it won’t all be veggies and dip. So I declare sunday my fun food day. 😀

My boy is gone for work in a city 5 hours from here and I haven’t seen him in nearly 3 weeks now (3 wks on sunday ahh!) and I just found out today that he won’t be coming back until tuesday/wednesday. -.- While on one hand I miss him like crazy (we haven’t been dating for all that long so 3 weeks feels like an eternity) I think it’s giving me time to focus on this and to start out without the temptation of going out for dinner or for some drinks. Still … I hope they get done with everything and he will be back on tuesday. He will have to be here on saturday latest because we leave to spend the weekend in the mountains with some friends.

That’s another thing that’s going to be difficult … but maybe I’ll just take it easy for that weekend with the strict diet because after all it’s not about not having any fun at all, right?

Anyway, at the moment I’m really proud of myself for resisting pizza and croissants, especially considering that the croissants came with an amazing-looking caramel sauce. Oh man.

~ by seethelight82 on March 9, 2012.

4 Responses to “They’re testing me… I know it!”

  1. Nice job resisting!! You know they aren’t really trying to tempt you, they just like pizza. Maybe when they see you lose weight, you will be their inspiration to get healthy!

    • I know they’re not but it sure seems like it because I’ve been craving a good pizza for a while now! 😉 Thank god this one didn’t actually look that great though but it sure smelled tasty…..

  2. Good work on resisting the pizza and croissants. 😉 It’s tough, but you can do it! I get cravings for it, but it’s just too much for me on my plan. And if I’m going out or people are eating in front of me, I stuff myself first so the temptation isn’t there. 😀

    • Yeah … especially pizza and croissants are just filled with fats. D: I can’t really tolerate the cheese on the pizza anyway so I guess it was good that I didn’t have any. Hee.

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